Take a look at these incredible solar innovations that rival the solar car park for ingenuity.
Solar Innovation
- Want to stay cool at the beach this summer? Then perhaps a solar umbrella could be the ticket! A design is being developed by MIT in the US in association with architects and a gelato brand to transform the beachside ice cream. Perhaps we are close to the end of melting icy poles at the beach, who knows? Read more here >>> https://www.pv-magazine.com/2021/07/05/solar-beach-umbrella-cools-you-and-your-gelato/

- This quote from Audrey Choi sums up what building solar car parks is all about – creating a renewable resource by looking at our shopping centres, train stations, schools and public areas in a new way.
“While innovation can sometimes come in the form of a flash of individual inspiration, it can also come from looking at problems in a new way, collaborating with new partners, and sometimes, using old-fashioned tools in new combinations.”
- This could be the cutest solar innovation yet! A solar-powered location tag for koalas to enable them to be located and saved during a bushfire. How awesome is that? More on the Solar Powered Koala Trackers here >>> https://probonoaustralia.com.au/news/2021/07/a-solar-powered-solution-to-save-our-koalas/
- With land being scarce in Singapore (even for a solar car park) there is another option. How about a floating solar farm? The Singaporean government is building the world’s largest floating solar farm on Batam Island, Indonesia. This 1600 hectare development is estimated to generate 2,200MW when it is fully operational. This will significantly contribute to making Singapore reach net-zero emissions in the very near future.
- Have you ever hear of ferroelectric crystals? These energy generation crystals are a part of a research project that is experimenting with new materials to replace silicon crystals in solar panels. The ferroelectric crystals are predicted to provide up to 1000x more power than silicon. This would mean solar panels that are significantly more productive than ever before, making net-zero emissions a very realistic goal. More information here >>> https://interestingengineering.com/new-solar-cell-innovation-provides-1000-times-more-power
For more information on our innovative range of solar car parks and solar shade structures for commercial and industrial precincts, then get in touch with our team.